Full Baggage

Frontier Rodeo's Full Baggage has had a long and successful career of consistently taking cowboys to the pay window. He is a 2X PRCA Bareback Horse of the Year,2X Reserve Bareback Horse Of The Year, and has won Bareback Horse of the NFR multiple times. 2023 makes his 110th consecutive trip to the NFR. He has an average stock score of 44.5, average score of 86.5, has had 20 45-point rides and 11 90-point rides. He has a 25% buck off rate, and has won 10 rounds at the NFR. His longevity and consistency make him a great bucking horse, and now we are able to breed mares to his clones. Full Baggage is by the stallion "Mr. T '' and out of a mare named "Full Moon" (Black Kettle x Kattle Kate).

Full Baggage


There are two clones of Full Baggage that live at Timber Creek. They are affectionately known as "Magic Man" and "El Diablo".